1 min read
Rally Update: Change of venue Christmas Rally - 6th - 8th December 2024

As a Committee, we have been concerned about the low number of bookings received for our LRCCC Christmas rally at Yew Tree Farm. After speaking to lots of members, we have come to realise that members are put off booking onto the rally due to the venue. The site itself has been very wet and muddy over the last few years and the walk to the outside toilets, are just two of the reasons people have mentioned for not booking onto the rally.

With all of this in mind, we have been beavering away behind the scenes to try and resolve these issues. As a result, we have made the decision to move the LRCCC Christmas Rally from Yew Tree farm to The Demontford School, Evesham.

The rally will still be held over the same weekend (6th - 8th December) and the cost will remain the same at £50 for the weekend. However, there will be no electrics available at this new venue. On the plus side, everyone will be on hard standing, no muddy fields to negotiate. Toilets and showers will be available inside the main school buildings. And we will continue to try and cram as much fun and enjoyment into the weekend as we always do.

Hopefully these changes will meet with everyones approval and we will see an increase in the number of bookings over the coming weeks.
On a personal note, I would like to thank all of the Committee, for their hard work in making this change possible.

Andy Bunn

Rally Booking Link